Special Project

  • UNITY DRUM THEATER INSTITUTE:  Our long term plan is build a retreat center in rural Ghana to provide a place to hold events and provide trainings to students and other interested groups and individuals through workshops and also via internships at the center.

        LAND: This is the first project to consider making the vision start. It is the process of inquiring the space to start/plant the vision. It is by this that you can start to build and farm.
         BUILDING: This is the process/project of putting up the structures of the vision into existence. The seven project around this are the classrooms including ICT center (20), guest/volunteers/students hostel (10 rooms), Theater Hall (big 1), orphanage home (10 rooms), offices (10 rooms), shops (2) and master’s home (self-contain)

        CLASROOMS INCLUDING ICT CENTER (20): These are the conducive accommodations for the students to study comfortably and effectively.
        GUEST/VOLUNTEERS/STUDENTS (10): This is a home to accommodate our guest/volunteers and students of the institution.
        THEATRE HALL (BIG 1): This is the institutional theater center for exhibiting all their show and other programs.
        OFFICES (5): These are the places for all the nonadministrative works of the institution.
        SHOPS (2): These are the two places to sell all the things made by the students and other stuffs.
        MASTERS HOUSE: This is a house for the master and other executives of the project to stay and supervise the work/project.
        ORPHANAGE/NEEDY HOME: The conducive place to accommodate the orphans and needy children.

                    FARMING: The process/ project of rearing animals and growing crops for student’s practical, domestic use and for sale for supporting the project.
        CROP FARMING: The project/process of planting food crops such as cereals and root tuber for practical teaching and on it long round serve as food for the student and also for sale to the public.
        ANIMAL FARMING: The process/project of rearing animals such as poultry, cow, goat, sheep and other animals for practical teaching, meat to  the house and for sale to the public.

       WEBSITE:  This is the aid/project of getting a website to market what the entire project is about and the medium to participate with internationals source.

       INSTRUMENTS: This is the aid/project of getting instruments in the school to be able to teach the student. The instruments are both local traditional and western instruments. The instruments will also be used as a live band group to perform at places when it is called for so to generate money also in the project.

       BUS: This is the aid/project of getting bus/buses to transport students far away from the school for easy and safe access to in and out of school.

       REGISTRATION: The aid/project of registering the project in other to push the standard of the institution to the national and international level.


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